Our Services
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Our Services

As described earlier, we get that it can be difficult to explain what your computer problems is.

The best thing is to drop us an email or better yet, give us a call.

Here are some common requests we get:

Internet Setup

Confused by all the options? Need help sorting out what you need? We can help you, from ordering the service, advising how to set it up, and even coming onsite to make sure it all plugs in OK. We do this for a flat fee of $99*.

Email Setup

Many customers like us to help them establish, change or organise their email so it goes into nice folders and/or arrives on their phones AND their PCs for example. This we can do for a flat fee of $99*.

New PC Setup

Upgrading your PC or Laptop? We can help you with the setup and move your programs, data, documents and pictures from the old PC to new PC (or laptop). Standard fee is $170*

Mobile and WiFi Boosts

Poor mobile phone reception? A booster can be installed to lift the signal, and these don't incur an additional monthly service fee. Then you can use your mobile for high speed data too, which can be great if you're in a bad Internet area.

Shed WiFi

Improving your wifi signals around the house just by 'tweaking' the configuration, and extending range across your property is also something we help people with (including getting the wifi to reach your back shed!).

* "Fair use" policy applies for these flat fee services. We will absolutely get the basic job done, however if your requirements and expecations are bigger we will advise you how much more time and cost will be involved before we commit you to the effort and cost!